Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Owl Sensei, JLPT N5 Vocabulary (All beginning with の) What drinks do you...

Long time no see! I made another and also started uploading to Vid.me/OwlSensei to spread my wings a bit (no pun intended) so all content can eventually be found there too ^-^/

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Owl Sensei, JLPT N5 Vocabulary (All beginning with ね) With question time!

Here is the video on all of the vocabulary for ね in JLPT-N5.

Strangely, the literal use/word of just ね for "isn't it?" expression is not in JLPT N5... I found that strange... as it is so common and can be used for so much expression of emotion with many subjects...

Anyhow, there were only three words in ね, and so, once again to make the video not be really short, I have done a spontaneous question time with some of the other JLPT N5 we currently covered ^-^/

If you would like to answer any of the questions in the comments in Japanese it would be cool, but there's no worries if you don't want to or aren't feeling confident enough to post answers. Practicing at home is more than good enough ^-^/

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

I got the transcription job~!

I was told last Friday that I was made a certified transcriber so that's good!
I've tried it out after morning cleaning job this week and it's pretty nice thus far, I hope to improve and get faster times when I get used to it. 
I'm not that fast at the moment. It is also a company based in the USA so it's US-English that I am not used to that at all! 

It'll all be ok eventually though... I'm mainly happy I got the position as it'll be good experience and hopefully a good income if I can improve enough to make good timing for transcripts...

🖳 So wish me luck ✍


~ I'll try my best ~


I was outside for social reasons!

I was out last weekend on the Saturday.
I was invited to a BBQ with a 'bring your own beer' and food attached and so I brought some alcohol over and snacks (as they had enough meats and salads from the others going).

It was fun, it wasn't the people I meet once a month but older friends from college and their friends, I've met them a few times before. 
Not much to say about it in general but I was outside which is a plus, I talked myself into going because (morning cleaning) work has been making me exhausted, and I just found out that I was made a certified transcriber... which I was itching to try out....

Proof! Somebody took a photo of me (totally not edited with an Owl Sensei over my own face, I naturally look like... that... *cough*)

So I was outside... I didn't eat, I ate before going, but I did drink... so... better than nothing!


Friday, 14 July 2017

Owl Sensei, JLPT N5 Vocababulary (All beginning with て)

Inspirational Poster

I found the new colour printer at work (the antisocial hours morning work) so I did what any professional and responsible adult would do... and used it to print this inspirational poster!

It is a reference to The Simpsons and FFXIV Online (FInal Fantasy XIV) that I play daily with my online friends on the JP-Server.. it is now on my fridge...

Friday, 7 July 2017

I have had a good week ^-^/ and noticed things too

I have had a good week. 
I spent a week off work where I am cleaning antisocial hours. 
Usually I am tired afterwards as I have been cleaning for hours and hours.
This time off work I had to take or lose the holiday pay, so I decided to see how I am with making videos for Owl Sensei during this time.

It has been fun, I have been able to practice speaking a lot more and my voice is rather normal, albeit dry. 
I never have to use my voice for any reason in my usual day, maybe 99% of the day can be spent silent with no human interaction or need to speak... So my voice gets progressively worse when I try to make a new video for Owl Sensei or when I try to talk to people...

I realised it is like playing an instrument, if you play guitar, and don't play it for a month or two, you might need a few days to practice and get your ability back to normal... it seems to be the same for using my voice... I don't use it much or at all and then when I try I stumble a lot and it gets dry and fumbled...

So I have had a good week, because I have made 12 videos in this week and not felt too tired because I haven't been cleaning for hours prior... 
I also had a reason to use my voice, because the videos mean I have to use my voice to make them, I have also enjoyed sitting down and thinking of example sentences to make, as many of them are usual and typical sentences but some are more amusing or silly just because it is more fun that way.

I wish I could do this as my regular job... I think it would be really nice to do...

Some other things I have noticed recently is that I am rather terrified of people when I go to the store and it is busy... I need to figure out why, it just feels like.... it is like I've stolen the entire store and they're going to find out and put me in prison for the next 50 years or something... but if I didn't steal the entire store someone would be killed as a hostage or something ww... I am just really uneasy and terrified being in the store when I get to the tills to pay... it is strange as I've not stolen anything (obviously) and nobody is mean or even looking like a super villain... nobody is held hostage... so I am not sure why I have to concentrate really hard on not having a panic attack... 
My breathing is really strange and in need of hyperventilation when in reality I have zero need to, and my hands shake a bunch too... I must look so suspicious w/笑 ... hopefully not though, and at lest I've noticed it so I can work on that over time and do my own kind of 'Exposure Therapy' to hopefully lessen the anxiety over time... 

Other than this, I've been out to meet the people I meet once a month, and that was fun. 
I had to go to the doctors and pharmacy twice for my meds and the store once, and a convenience store once for food and drink and bath stuff... so I have been outside a lot...

It is too hot too so I have been sweating a lot and melting during the outside times ww/笑 ... not fun...

But, I've been outside a lot, made a lot of videos, spotted more irrational phobias and anxieties to work on, and I've enjoyed my week in general... so that's good ^-^/ 

Thank you all for your hard work~
And so, See you all later!

Owl Sensei, JLPT N5 Vocababulary (All beginning with つ)

Owl Sensei, JLPT N5 Vocababulary (All beginning with ち)

More videos~

Owl Sensei, JLPT N5 Vocababulary (All beginning with た)

Sleepy me

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Applied for the work position, finally...

I put it off for a while, as evident with my other posts... 

I was anxious I would fail the speed typing test, to the point of finding any other job online so I'd not have to apply for this one... after finding no other alternatives and actually wanting to do this job in general, I decided on a "if I fail I fail, might as well do it, get it over with, and stop hiding" ...

I passed the speed typing test though, then the English Proficiency test, and the editing test, I looked into the transcription training... I tried it today. A 90 minutes to transcribe 20 minutes of audio in their formatting test... I couldn't finish all of the audio, but hopefully as I spell checked often and made sure it was all in their format, it'll show I am ok at doing the job and I get offered a position...

Daruma has been my moral support... I love Daruma/s a lot and use them for a lot of things when I need some help or assistance. This Daruma is literally for helping me with getting a good job I can do from online.

Good work, Daruma~ We tried our best, didn't we?

じゃね!/ See you later!

Sunday, 4 June 2017

My trip outside last night

So I was outside, here was my outfit for the meet up, with the owl key ring on my zipper:

And here's inside the pub with my wine 🍷⾣~

I guess it wasn't focused 笑/w 

I was rather hung over this morning, not in sickness but fatigue was a bit of an issue, I'm feeling confident that I don't need to drink except when I go out for the meet ups once a month, so health wise, I should be rather good...

I did some typing practice now that my laptop charger arrived and I'm getting used to this keyboard again and typing at 70 WPM, so hopefully after work tomorrow, I'll come home and practice, then do their test... then I can hopefully pass and start the next parts of the application and testing/training...

Have a good night invisible readers~ 👻かんぱい~

Friday, 2 June 2017

I got a key ring 笑/w

I got a key ring, had "Hikikomori OUT!" written on it and it arrived already...

Very impressed with the speed of that, I'm also out tomorrow as I go to meet online friends once a month to drink and eat... it is literally the only socialising I do outside of work. Work which isn't actually a socialising place, being anti-social hours and lone working...

So, I can test this out tomorrow as proof I left the apartment for something other than work, even if it is the general once a month drinks with online people I started to attend over a year ago to try to not be as Hikikomori as I was... and kind of still am... but! At least I go out once a month... Once a month is better than zero a month...

I'm a recovering selective mute, so the amusing or depressing part of the meet ups I joined, amusing or depressing depending on your humour, is that I couldn't speak for just over a year of going to meet up, had to type on a tablet to "converse" with them... so I'm mildly proud I can actually speak out loud there now with the people/friends... slow and steady at least... as I used to be too terrified to use the public bathroom whiles there too so, I am also very happy that I am able to actually go to the toilet when needed there too 笑/w...

So it's a start/was a start at least...

Here's the key ring 笑/w:

And whiles we are on the subject of photos, birds and outside, I fed some birds today, 
This one was cute:

I really like birds... I might have to see if something bird related is near by enough for an outing... that could help get me out of the apartment 笑/w...

Have a good night, invisible readers (^-^)/

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Background picture

Just in case people were wondering where I found all of the hand drawings and things... I... they're mine, I drawn everything that is a sketch in the background, and took the pictures of everything else (Owl Sensei) and the FFXIV online character who is my character in that game...

That's... that's all really... I only draw my hands 99% of the time I draw things... I guess because they are very important to me? I use my hands for nearly everything in my life... so I guess if I was ever given an ultimatum of say "keep one hand or both of your legs" I'd keep the hands (w/lol???)

Ok... now... now time to wash up and continue my application... 

It's a start!

I signed up for the job application process, I had to write a new CV/Resume and a cover letter, give references and all of the usual things needed. Now I have to start the training and exam part to see if I am suitable for the job. Which I will do after lunch as I just arrived home from my antisocial hours work position...
I think it is English Language Proficiency and a speed typing test that they do for it. 

It's a start at least...

I am also paid tomorrow which will help a lot. I plan on buying a few things from Amazon, mainly:
  • Rechargeable batteries with charger; so I can do my little plan of proving I leave the apartment and I'm not a 100% Hikikomori forever and ever, using my old camera and taking photographs as proof I was outside would encourage me to leave and be outdoors more.
  • A charger for my old laptop as it is broken again.
  • Some of those "fidget spinners" to see if it helps anxiety, concentration and for me to use my electric cigarette less. Although, I'd never use it outside of the apartment as it might cause too much attention and that'd make me more nervous outside.
  • Korean language flash cards; I wish to learn it as I like the television and music from Korea, and I technically have family there too so it'd be nice to be able to speak to them in the future if I meet them, and speaking without an interpreter would be nice. I even signed up for a free online course in Korean, so it's not just being thrown in the deep end.
And that was everything I needed, although I might order a key ring with an owl on it that you can personalise for very cheap... as having that with something silly like "Hikikomori OUT!" on it and taking a photo with that as even more proof I left the apartment outside of work would be fun for me... and I can also have it as a general lucky charm and reminder of why I'm trying to improve myself over time...

So it's a start at least... I'll go and wash up now, make lunch and see how the training/testing part of the application goes, I'm guessing it'll be a few days of work if it is multiple exams and training things...

Have a great day, my invisible readers~ ^-^/

Sunday, 28 May 2017


I would like for this blog to help me get on track with daily goals and life. 

As a stereotypical Hikikomori, I do not have the best self esteem or confidence, it is safe to say I have very little of those things... but I wish to improve over time and work on improving myself over time, so I started this thing to try to keep myself accountable.

I know my own weaknesses and one is letting people down or not doing something when I say I will, so if I say I will do something on here, I'll feel more compelled to do it.

My main goals to post about on here are:
  • New Job
  • De-clutter
  • Hobby/Informal jobs
  • Improve health
There is a new job I wish to apply for, that I am qualified to do, and really need to do as it will be very positive, as it can all be done online so it doesn't matter if I am in the UK or Japan during working shifts. I'm seemingly putting off doing it from general nerves and I think a fear of failing, and being given more responsibility compared to my current anti-social hours, lone working position. So I'll work on that as I really need to apply for it, it is a literal god-send.

I am recovering from OCD and one of the traits I had was hoarding. I need to de-clutter again as I didn't even notice how bad it started to get. So I plan on de-cluttering as much as possible and living very minimalist-ly.

The Hobby/Informal Jobs are Owl Sensei, my drawing, writing 'The Suicidal Ghost' stories, and I've started liking photography which I could also use as a "proof I went outside" thing here too w. I plan on 'Owl Sensei' as a main Hobby/Informal Job to do, as I'm a recovering 'selective mute', so continuing to use my voice for something is a good idea to help lessen that Hikikomori/anxiety trait over time (as I live with 99% of the time not needing/having to speak to anything in real life).

Improving health is to do with my health... shocking! w...
I am in bad health, I dislike to really discuss it but my diet is lazy and really needs improving, my cholesterol for one thing is very easy to raise and I've just been tested for it again and will need to lessen it again, my diet would be useful to improve. So I am currently trying to improve that and hopefully my fatigue will lessen at the same time... as I understand that living on sugar free energy drinks and coffee to stay physically awake isn't the most normal.
I also need to exercise a bit more, not just the anti-social hours work but outside of that, if I get the new job too I'd not be exercising or moving around for that one so having some general outside exercise is good... I've gained weight and I'd really like to lose it again... so improving diet, improving physical activity and taking better care of myself should hopefully help improve my health all around...

Thank you for reading! Invisible people ^-^/ かんぱい~

Saturday, 27 May 2017

よろしくお願いします~ Nice to meet you~

Hello for the first time
I'm Kouen Dark
Nice to meet you~

I became a Hikikomori, it's pretty bad, isn't it?

With this blog, I'll try my best

And soooo~ let's do this, yes!